Sunday, 31 July 2011

(二.上) 我在彩虹眷村看到了老伯的岁岁年年。


(一) 出发咯!


Saturday, 30 July 2011




Friday, 29 July 2011

Happy Graduation. :)

that is it. the final page of my uni life had officially come to an end. million thanks to those who were there for me today, friends, family. also, all of the wishes, and lastly my lovely boy. you guys made me a perfect day and i'm heartily grateful to that.

hereby dedicate the song to the class of 2011, and to every single memory i have with NTU. :)

Wednesday, 13 April 2011










Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Save Japan.

今天下午到学校上日语课,我的日文sensei对着全班分享对日本311地震海啸事件的感想。她是大阪人,虽然跟这次311没什么关系,但是1995年的Kobe Earthquake (aka 阪神大地震)她倒是真真实实地经历了一遍。她告诉我们当年在避难中心的种种民生情况,举凡食水问题,如厕情形,家里的长辈因为保暖衣物不足,在避难的同时还患上低温症,就算最后疏散灾民的时候也无家可归,只能慢慢重建家园。由始至终,她都用诙谐乐观的语气对我们说话,三言两语带过了那些我们无法想象的难关。“日本は いま 大変です。本当に 大変です。”(Japan is really going through a rough time now) ”please do anything you can to help Japan. Please do anything you can to help Japan.”到最后的最后,她用很诚恳的表情和语气对我们说了这么句话。这是我第一次亲耳听到一个灾民的感想,而且还是你认识的人,真的觉得很心酸。我相信现在在日本还是在惨况之中,食水电的供应不足,更别提还有失踪的一万多人,他们的家属连想要找回他们的遗体安葬都可能没办法完成。相比之下我们真的幸福很多阿。希望大家在能力以内帮帮日本吧,少买几件衣服,少花点钱在吃饭,不会让你多痛苦,但是多捐一分钱,可能有些人就能多分点食物或多条被单保暖。Save Japan.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Gonna start blogging in 日本語 :(

皆さん こんにちわ : ) 初めて 日本語で blog を 書くよ : DD

私は 三年 日本語を 勉強きれている、今大学で 日本語のレブル四を 習う。でも、日本語のレブル三は 一年半に 勉強をしたから、もう 沢山忘れた : $ 

クラスの友達は 日本語がずっといい、私の日本語は 駄目だから、とても 大変だ。日本語を 話すことが あまりできじやない。:' (

だから、多分ね、今から 私は よく 日本語の 練習を しなければ ならない!頑張る!!YAY!!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

blah blah blah.

just had one japanese test and one korean test today.
and tmrw imma give 5 hours tuition.
full day classes on friday + a super crowded career fair to go to.
just kill me now, please?

p.s. recalled something interesting today.
"if you like me please raise your hand.
if you don't, please raise your standard."

Monday, 21 February 2011

Taiwan 环岛 15-day trip is ON!

I've been wanting to go Taiwan sooooooo baaadly since i was young. and today i finally booked my flight ticket! and it's gonna be a backpacking trip as for my grad trip on my own :DD the highlight of the trip is that i am actually planing to go for couch surfing (沙发客) during the trip, it's something like homestay, you can send requests to all those who offer a couch/bed for travelers from all over the world :) if things go well, then you get to stay over at their houses for free!! if time allows, the hosts might be kind enough to show their guest around :) you can save $$$ and get to know more interesting people at the same time :))  

actually i just got this idea like 24 hours ago, and tadaaa! it's on! at first i was planning to go on the grad trip with a bunch of people, but seems like everybody couldn't really make up their mind on which country to go. meanwhile, i went on to the couch surfing website, connecting with some random members from Taiwan and asking for their advices on the itinerary. one of them sent me a link, a blog which  is about a story of a young girl from Beijing traveled alone to Taiwan, and all the amazingly kind and friendly people that she met there! she looks so tiny in the pictures, yet she has a very big heart to pursuit her dreams. i spent the entire night reading her blogs, at the end, i decided to go for a trip like hers to mark the very end of the16 years of my study life :) although i never been to any trip alone before, her words are so powerful and insightful that give me all the courage that i need. 

quotes from her blog: 



i'm not sure if i am capable of traveling alone, effectively communicating with all the people that i may meet, i'm really not sure of that. but there's one thing that is certain, i dont want to leave a question to myself, wondering if backpacking alone is suitable for me or not, until i never get the chance to find out the answer. sometimes when we know that we are about to make a mistake, we are actually not sure of that. we can only find out that it's really a mistake after we have made the mistake. if i ever want to find out the answer, i believe that this would be the time :)

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Valentine's Day ♥ A consumerism conspiracy or a day for romance?

14th of February, a day has been universally celebrated as the Valentine's Day to express our love to our special ones. But to me, it seems to be increasingly over-commercialized with each passing year and has been transformed to an event of exchanging expensive gifts.

Why do we need ONE day to celebrate a love? Shouldn't we do it every day?? Love is too big for us to fit it into a single day :) Expressing to the loved ones that we care is necessary. But it shouldn't be reserved for a single day in the entire year. Feb 14th is just like any other day of the year with no significance to our love story yet we are brainwashed into thinking it is a day of great importance.

Every love story is special, and different! It doesn't need identical greeting cards with clichéd message, identical candlelight dinner, chocolates and roses nor expensive gifts. We certainly don't need frills on that day. Love shouldn't be judged by the monetary value of the pressies that being exchanged. For me, sometimes the most romantic thing to do with the bf is to stay home, cook a dinner together, go for a walk with xiaohei at sunset, and ask the bf to play 15 rounds of Monopoly Deal with me together before bedtime :)   

Anyway please don't get me wrong. I do not hate Valentine's Day. I only hate the hype created by those cards companies, candy companies, flower shops and many other commercial companies to make money on something that come from our hearts. For those who agree with me, still, I suggest you to at least, make some efforts to express your love to your loved ones on that day just in case your partner doesn't think the way we do ;)  No matter you are single, attached or engaged, wishing everybody a Happy Valentine's Day :)

Friday, 14 January 2011

where the miserable life begins :'(

As much as i love and enjoy eating, still, i am sad to say that I AM ON DIET, for good and for REAL this time! i swear :'( Growing concerns on my health issue and also my weight been brought up by the nagging boyfriend frequently enough for me to FINALLY look at the issues seriously. iishh. He was the one who said :" I'll still love you regardless of your body shape. 55 or 60(kg) do not really make a difference." Who knows his unconditioned love comes with all the nagsssssssssssss :/ to be honest being fat doesn't really bother me.. cuz foods are really too good to resist.. but to stop the boyfriend keeping the issues on at me i really have to put in some efforts to lose some weights this time :(

The most popular word/phrase of mine in 2011 is now officially claimed as "I AM HUNGRY". Seriously!! i've been suffer from hunger for like a week! i used to ate a lot, like reaaaaally A LOT. Friends were shocked by the amount of food i can stow away at one meal sometimes.. I could really eat up to over 140% full at a meal.. :$ I'm not proud of that but i just cant help with that. haaaiz. From now on, no more overeating :( that's quite some amounts to cut off :(

Second place shared by fat and fat-free. went to fairprice after giving tuition this evening to refill my fridge.. whatever i bought must go for fat-free :( have to looked at the nutrition tables one by one while selecting... there's nothing much to go for other than salad ingredients and whole grains meals.. vegies, muesli, skim milk, green apples, oats, and even fat-free salad dressing!  On diet plan is neither something easy nor cheap you know :( i heard from a friend that muesli is good if you are looking for something that is really fat-free and stuffing, and it's considered quite tasty as compared to oats.. but the price is "good" too! surprisingly it costs me 8 bucks for a packet but only comes with a little portion like 300 grams perhaps? 

anyway think i need to stop complaining and start working out now :( we'll see how this plan goes :3

Home-made salad as dinner (fortunately it tasted yumm :) )