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wow. second day of work and i was late.DANG!!
did i mention before tat my lollipop sucks? ohyea it sucks!
after it has been used for one month somehow it starts to hang or automatic off by itself occasionally.and totally unexpectedly. Dang Dang DANG!!!!
and then it failed to wake up me up this morning. u know i just suddenly jumped up from the bed and noticed that it was already 830 in the morning
i swear that i have never felt so panic and lost before! in the next second i was like screaming and rushing to the toilet to brush up and rushing back to the room,grabbed some clothes on and rushing to bus stand in HIGH HEEL. rush rush rush rush rush!!!
so i got on a cab at 8.37am and i was kinda praying for no heavy traffic on the roads so that i could reach my office in time but anw despite the driver has done his best to get me here Asap, but i only gotta reached around 930am. luckily my supervisor NOT IN YETt!!!hhuuuu....and my senior got nth for mee to do so i am just scanning those wall street journals.. and blogging.. too bad that the company has banned all those hotmail, instant messanger, proxy, facebook, etc etc /.\
ps: after the cutting off of my dinner last night i feel that my pant loosen a bit hehe.okaay continue keep fit!!encourage me to continue cut off my dinner :DD
还在等着laundry,就顺便继续blog下去好了。还没开始intern之前的心情是很忐忑的,有时候准备考试准备到一半,突然想起考完试紧接着就要开始intern,心中那份不爽快比起之前不知道能不能够pass stats几乎是有过之而无不及。今天一去到公司,supervisor就叫我开始看Wall Street Journal,真的让平时很少follow时事而且特别是financial方面的我真想把整叠报纸都跟他烧成符水喝下去。真的很怀疑平常每个sem选课都尽量避开finance的我到底要怎样在这里混两个月。哎。而且今天看的这种articles差不多是我过去三年的总结了。在ntu读书的时候啊,一个sem做几份projects和assignments,每天翘脚翘的多自在, 结果supervisor assigned 我一份report,而且还要下班前交,感觉就是一天里面要挤出一份平常可以用一两个礼拜慢慢来做的assignment。-_____-'' 而且竟然内容还是要forecast这个礼拜investment market的走向...虽然那些indicators(eg. PPI, CPI, Unemployment Rate, Interest Rate, and many many indexes) 大概大概都知道是干嘛的,但真的还没有试过apply在未来 :S 结果也不知道哪一个重要哪一个该省略,整个做不完..读书真的归读书,要实际运用在工作上还是一道很深的学问。午餐的时候整个超级不想回去做的。aiks aiks。但老实说,internship真的是一个很好的学习机会,看个人有没有那个心啦。不过话说回来整个investment department只有我一个intern的感觉也不太愉快就是了。很怕一个人被骂 /.\
PS:本来想说问问supervisor可不可以带几份journal回来catch up一下,结果supervisor的回答是:“不用那么辛苦啦,明天来才看,回去好好休息,当个快乐的intern就好” D': /无限感动
话说昨晚因为太紧张而睡不着,结果4点半上床,六点半又起来了,啧。早上起来算一算时间,泡麦片装水10分钟,等bus 10分钟,坐bus 20分钟,等mrt5分钟,坐mrt 31分钟,走路等电梯15分钟,所以大概是要1个半小时才可以到公司。今天第一天总不好迟到,结果真的算得很准7点20分出门8点45刚刚好到公司。之前还在笑朋友6点才放工,结果真的自己要做到6点15分。放工的时候见识到新加坡到底人口有多稠密,整个mrt有让我回到初一坐宽柔校巴上学人挤人的恶心场景。幸好supervisor对我不薄,听一听我住的那么远就准了我延迟半个小时报到,cool!